Before you travel
Visa: Greece is member of the European Union and having signed the Schengen Treaty allows free entrance in the country for travelers from European countries by just using their identification card. Travelers from other countries should be informed by the Greek embassy or the consulates in their country if a visa or a passport is necessary for their trip to Greece. You can also be informed by your travel agent.
For the citizens of the most countries that are not members of the Schengen Treaty visa and a valid passport are required for their entrance in Greece and in E.U. Visitors from those countries should be informed by the Greek embassies or consulates or even by travel agents. Beside visitors from European countries, visitors from the countries below don’t need visa to visit Greece and can stay up to 90 days in a semester:
- San Marino, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Vatican, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, USA, Japan, Israel, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Brunei, New Zealand, Nicaragua, South Korea , Honduras, Uruguay, Panama, Paraguay, Singapore, Chile
According to the conditions of the Schengen Treaty, passenger/cargo ships that make itineraries from Patra and Igoumenitsa to Italy and backwards (without anchoring in ports of countries that are not Schengen members) are included in the category of the ships that make domestic transfers. As a result, passengers of those ships with destinations in ports of Schengen countries do not subject passport control.
Piraeus Port
Patra Port
Patra Port Authority: Tel: (+30) 2610 341002, 341024, 361470
Patra is connected with the Italian ports: Ancona, Brindisi, Venice, and Bari
Igoumenitsa Port
Igoumenitsa Port Authority: Tel: 26650 99400, 26650 99460
Igoumenitsa is connected with the ports of Ancona, Brindisi, Venice and Bari
Republic of Azerbaijan: Tel: (+30) 210 3632721, 25 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Egypt: Tel: (+30) 210 3618612, 13, 3 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Ethiopia: Tel: (+30) 210 9403483, 253 Syngrou Avenue, Athens
Haiti: Tel: (+30) 210 8013113, 9 Patriarhou Maximou Str., Kifisia
Ivory Coast: Tel: (+30) 210 7212375, 13 Lykeiou Str., Athens
Albania: Tel: (+30) 210 6876200, 7 Vekiareli Str., Filothei
Algeria: Tel: (+30) 210 7564191, 14 Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue, Athens
Argentina: Tel: (+30) 210 7224753, 59 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Armenia: Tel :( +30) 210 6831130, 95 Konstantinou Palaiologou Str., Chalandri
Australia: Tel: (+30) 210 8704000, 1-2 Kifisias Avenue & Alexandras Str., Athens
Austria: Tel: (+30) 210 7257270, 4 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Vatican: Tel: (+30) 210 6743598, 2 Mavili Lorentzou Str., Athens
Belgium: Tel: (+30) 210 3617886, 87, 3 Sekeri Str., Athens
Venezuela: Tel: (+30) 210 6729169, 19 Marathonodromon Avenue, Psychiko
Bolivia: Tel: (+30) 210 6208324, 5 Korai Str., Nea Erythraia
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Tel: (+30) 210 6410788, 25 Filellinon Str., Athens
Bulgaria: Tel: (+30) 210 6748106, 08, 33A Stratigou Kallari Str., Psychiko
Brazil: Tel: (+30) 210 7213039, 14 Filikis Etaireias Square, Athens
France: Tel: (+30) 210 3391000, 7 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Germany: Tel: (+30) 210 7285111, 3 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., Athens
Georgia: Tel: (+30) 210 7489180, 27 Taugetou Str., Palaio Faliro
Gabon: Tel: (+30) 210 5236795, 22 K. Palaiologou Str., Athens
Ghana: Tel: (+30) 210 9480700, 367 Syngrou Avenue, Palaio Faliro
Guatemala: Tel: (+30) 210 4138103, 3 Deuteras Merarhias Str., Piraeus
Guyana: Tel: (+30) 210 9585064, 67, 1 Makka Str. Abelokipi
Dominican Republic: Tel: (+30) 210 7486948, 118 Michalakopoulou Str. Abelokipoi
Ecuador: Tel: (+30) 210 4223800, 6 Sotiros Str. Piraeus
Switzerland: Tel: (+30) 210 7230364/66, 2 Iasiou Str. Athens
El Salvador: Tel: (+30) 210 3222093, 35 Voulis Str. Athens
Estonia: Tel: (+30) 210 7475660, 2-4 Mesogeion Avenue
United States of America: Tel: (+30) 210 7212951, 91 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
UK: Tel: (+30) 210 7272600, 1 Ploutarchou Str. Athens
Japan: Tel: (+30) 210 6709900, 46 Ethnikis Adistaseos Str. Athens
India: Tel: (+30) 210 7216481, 3 Cleanthi Stamatiou Str. Athens
Indonesia: Tel: (+30) 210 6742345, 99 Avenue Marathonodromon Psychiko
Jordan: Tel: (+30) 210 6744161, 21 Papadiamanti Str. Psychiko
Iran: Tel: (+30) 210 6741936/37, 16 Stratigou Kallari Str. Athens
Iraq: Tel: (+30) 210 6722330, 4 Mazaraki Str.
Ireland: Tel: (+30) 2107232771, 7 Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue, Athens
Iceland: Tel: (+30) 210 6779771, 60 Papanastasiou & Kallari Str. P. Psychiko
Spain: Tel: (+30) 210 9213123, 21 Dionisiou Aeropagitou Str. Athens
Israel: Tel: (+30) 210 6705500, 1 Marathonodromou Str. Psychiko
Italy: Phone: (+30) 210 3617260/63, 2 Sekeri Str. Athens
Kazakhstan (Republic): Tel: (+30) 210 6515643, 22 Imittos Str. Papagou
Cameroon: Tel: (+30) 210 6717865, 19 Stratigou Kallari Str.
Canada: Tel: (+30) 210 7273400, 4 Gennadiou I. Str. Athens
Qatar: Tel: (+30) 210 7255031, 16A Rigillis Str. Athens
China: Tel: (+30) 210 6723282, 2A Krinon Str. P. Psychiko
Congo: Tel: (+30) 210 6776123, 3A Iras Str. Psychiko
Colombia: Tel: (+30) 210 7236848, 3 Brasida Str. Ilissia
Korea (South): (+30) 210 6984080, 82, 2-4 Mesogeion Avenue Athens
Republic of Korea: Tel: (+30) 210 6543623, 354 Mesogeion Avenue Agia Paraskevi
Cuba: Tel: (+30) 210 6855550, 5 Sofokleous Str. Philothei
Kuwait: Tel: (+30) 210 6743593, 94, 2 Perikleous Str. N. Psychiko
Croatia: Tel: (+30) 210 6777033, 4 Tzavella Str. N. Psychiko
Cyprus: Tel: (+30) 210 3734800, 2A Xenofontos Str. Athens
Latvia: Tel: (+30) 210 7294483, 38 Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue, Athens
Lebanon: Tel: (+30) 210 6755873, 6 25th Martiou Str. P. Psychiko
Liberia: Tel: (+30) 210 4183191, 2 Efploias Str. Piraeus
Libya: Tel: (+30) 210 6742120, 3 Byronos Str. Psychiko
Lithuania: Tel: (+30) 210 7294356, 46 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Luxembourg: Tel: (+30) 210 7256400, 23AVasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Madagascar: Tel: (+30) 210 6526012, 18 Dimitresa Str. Athens 210-7242845
Malaysia: Tel: (+30) 210 9916523, 114 Alimou Str. Argiroupoli
Maldives: Tel: (+30) 210 4224220, 79 Vasileos Konstantinou, Varkiza
Malta: Tel: (+30) 210 4185715, 2 Efploias Str. Piraeus
Morocco: Tel: (+30) 210 6744209/10, 5 Marathonodromon Avenue, Psychiko
Mauritius: Tel: (+30) 210 3246257, 4 K. Tsatsou Str.
Mexico: Tel.: (+30) 210 7294780, 14 Filikis Etaireias Square Athens
Bangladesh: Tel: (+30) 210 6720250, 119 Marathonodromon, P. Psychiko
New Zealand: Tel: (+30) 210 6924136, 76 Kifisias Avenue, Abelokipoi
Nepal: Tel: (+30) 210 7220165, 8 Irodotou, Athens
Nigeria: Tel: (+30) 210 8021168, 65 Dolianis Str. Marousi
Norway: Tel: (+30) 210 7246173, 23 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
South Africa: Tel: (+30) 210 6106645, 65 Kifisias Avenue, Marousi
Netherlands: Tel: (+30) 210 7254900, 5-7 Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue, Athens
Hungary: Tel: (+30) 210 7256800, 25 Karneadou Str. Athens
Ukraine: Tel: (+30) 210 6800230, 2-4 Delta Str. Philothei
Uruguay: Tel: (+30) 210 3602635, 1C Lykavitou Str. Athens
Pakistan: Tel: (+30) 210 7290122, 6 Loukianou Str. Athens
Palestine: Tel: (+30) 210 6726061, 31 Marathonodromon Str., P. Psychiko
Panama Tel: (+30) 210 4286441, 192 Praxitelous Str., Piraeus
Peru: Tel: (+30) 210 7792761, 2 Semitelou Str., Athens
Poland: Tel: (+30) 210 6797700, 22 ChrysanthemonStr., P. Psychiko
Portugal: Phone: (+30) 210 7257505, 23 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens
Romania: Tel: (+30) 210 6728875, 7 Emmanouil Benaki Str. , Psychiko
Russia: Tel: (+30) 210 6725235, 28 Nikiforou Lytra Str., P. Psychiko
Saudi Arabia: Tel: (+30) 210 6716911/13, 71 Marathonodromou Str., P. Psychiko
Senegal: Tel: (+30) 210 4291000, 87 Akth Miaouli Str., Piraeus
Serbia: Tel: (+30) 210 7774344, 106 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue
Singapore: Tel: (+30) 210 6845072, 17 Aigialeias Str., Athens
Slovakia: Tel: (+30) 210 6771980, 4 Georgiou Seferi, Psychiko
Slovenia: Tel: (+30) 210 6775683, 280 Kifisias Avenue & Dimokratias Str., N. Psychiko
Sudan: Tel: (+30) 210 6742520/21, 6 Mousson Str. P. Psychiko
Sweden: Tel.: (+30) 210 7266100, 7 Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue, Athens
Syria: Tel: (+30) 210 6725575 61 Diamandidou Avenue, Athens
Sri Lanka: Phone: (+30) 210 3614575, 20 Kanari Str., Athens
Taiwan: Tel: (+30) 210 6775122, 57 Marathonodromon Avenue, Psychiko
Thailand: Tel: (+30) 210 6710155, 25 Marathonodromon Avenue, Psychiko
Togo: Tel: (+30) 210 8137121, 67 Thiseos Avenue, N.Erythrea
Turkey: Tel: (+30) 210 7263000, 8 Vasileos Konstantinou II Avenue, Athens
Czech Republic: Tel: (+30) 210 6719701, 6 Seferi Str., Psychiko
Tunisia: Tel: (+30) 210 6717590, 2 Antheon & Marathonodromou Str., P. Psychiko
Yemen: Tel: (+30) 210 6717280, 79 Georgiou Seferi Str., N.Psychiko
Philippines: Tel: (+30) 210 6721837, 26 Antheon Str., Psychiko
Finnland: Tel: (+30) 210 7255860, 5 Chatzigianni Mexi Str., Athens
Fyrom: Tel: (+30) 2106749585, 4 Papadiamanti Str. P. Psychiko
Chile: Tel: (+30) 210 7252574, 26 Rigillis Avenue