
Swim in the different beaches around Frikes and at night return in the village to enjoy your fish by the seashore.
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Would you like to combine skiing in the morning and then go swimming in the afternoon, all in one region? Click to choose your interests and see in which part of Greece you enjoy them. Combinations are endless!
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Swim in the different beaches around Frikes and at night return in the village to enjoy your fish by the seashore.
Although the excavations have not found everything that is hidden beneath the olive trees, your imagination can see Odysseus meeting Penelope.
Enjoy the view on the road and the impressive wall paintings in Anogi. A stop at the local café will teach you many stories from Ithaki.
Exploration in the northern part of the island. Rich vegetation, stone manors and desolate beaches. If you stop to drink water in the Kalamos Spring it is almost sure that you will one day return on the island!
Dance in the different festivals and mainly in those taking part in the villages.
Rent a boat or take the ship to the nearby beautiful beaches.
Take with you a copy of Homer’s poems and discover all the places described.
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