"Oinoxenia 2015": A multi-day cultural and culinary journey landscapes and flavors of Aigialeia, celebrating the wine, organizes this year the Municipal Development Company Aigialeias (DI.K.EP.A.), inviting all to a beautiful trip in one of the major wine regions of the country. From 17-31 August, the landscape of Aigialeia a beautiful, natural setting in which unfolds the beneficial relationship between culture and gastronomy. Natural attractions, wineries, catering networks, hospitality and bakery "kneaded" with quality events in a multi-day celebration along the Aigialeia. A stunning synergy between wine, gastronomy, culture and entertainment, the picturesque vineyards and the sunny slopes to the saltiness of the sea!
Among other things, the "Oinoxenia 2015" includes: musical sounds, dance events, gastronomic evenings, horseback tours to vineyards, film screenings, local tastes and quality wines, events and guided tours to wineries in the area. Prominent in Oinoxenia 2015 are the Kalavryta Cheese and Raisin (PDO) "Vostitsa".
The curtain of multi-day celebration Oinoxenia opens on Monday, August 17 at 9.30 pm with the concert of Evanthia Reboutsika at Domaine Panagiotopoulos in Lambiri, with free admission. "It's showtime ..." is the generic title of the concert, with music from the film, television and theater. On stage Evanthia with red violin us into a dreamy journey with sounds full of colors and aromas of East and West! Melodies that take us from the busy streets of Istanbul, in the dreamy streets of Paris and from there on moonlit nights of the desert. At the same time, the participating wineries in Oinoxenia 2015 will welcome the guest with local recipes.
Particular emphasis on multi-day event is to promote the local gastronomy, so displaying a selected network 22 restaurants across Aigialeia, which will offer from 18 to 30 August the local Oinoxenia menu and local wines of the Slopes Aigialeias in surprise prices. Each eligible dish accompanied with a special voucher for participation to the “wine roads” trips. The lucky winners will be designated by draw at the end of Oinoxenia on August 31, the Open-Air Theatre "GEORGE PAPPAS".
At the same time, local wineries participating in the network Oinoxenia except organizing musical evenings, will offer daily guides throughout the duration of Oinoxenia.
This year, for the first time will participate in Oinoxenia local bakeries that utilize fresh local products predominate raisins, highlighting its beneficial properties as a "superfood" and suggesting distinct dining experiences.
Finally, Oinoxenia hosting network is supported by local hotels and guesthouses that offer authentic travel experiences with Greek breakfast, local produce and local wines.
PHOTO CONTEST "Oinoxenia 2015"
Within Oinoxenia the DI.K.EP.A, imagining the motto of Oinoxenia "Get in celebration, get in ... vine!" Addressed an open call for ideas about landscapes of Aigialeia in viticulture and in their connection wine and gastronomy. The winners will receive prizes and valuable gifts. Information about the contest on the website DIKEPA and page of "Oinoxenia" on facebook. The contest ends Monday, August 24th.
EVENTS OF "Oinoxenia 2015
WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST, 20:00, Ancient theater of Aigeira (surroundings):
Theater performance "Apology of Socrates" by Plato. Performance in the ancient Greek language with English and Greek surtitles. Direction: Municipality Avdeliodis. In collaboration with "STATE THEATRE OF NORTHERN GREECE", the association "frieze" and Archaeological Achaia. General admission: 10 €. Organized Filoproodeftikos & Cultural Group Vlovokas "Omonia" Local Community Goats, Environmental & Cultural Association Goats Vlovokas "The Rock."
FRIDAY 21 AND SATURDAY 22 AUGUST, the old watermill "Mylelia" Ano Akrata: The renovated water mill, as a genuine center Search of old flavors, welcoming guests with treats and tour the traditional products manufacturing place.
THURSDAY 27 AND FRIDAY AUGUST 28: A two-day regional cooking and Greek flavors in Aegio and Kalavryta, focusing on Kalavrita cheeses and wines of Aigialeia.
SATURDAY 29 AUGUST, 10:00-13:00 hours, Mansion Mansion family Panayotopoulos-Aigio: highlights the beneficial properties of raisins as a "superfood", proposing separate tasty recipes curated the Bakers Network participates in Oinoxenia 2015. On the same day the Museum Raisin "KOUNINIOTIS "opens its doors and takes us to the age-old tradition of raisins in our region through a rich collection of exhibits (opening hours: 10:00-14:00).
Ending ceremony of "Oinoxenia 2015" - Monday 31 AUGUST, 21:00, Open air theater "GEORGE PAPPAS" Aegio "Adomen, orchoumetha votryn him palatable." A musical show prose to Dance Workshop Aigio. An evening dedicated to vintage and wine, typical elements of social and economic life of Aigialeia with songs, dances, performances, theatrical representations and excerpts from the Dance Workshop of Aegio, members of theater groups, actors and storytellers. The soundtrack of the show are the leading clarinetist Nikos Filippides with the orchestra and the renowned singer Panagiotis Lalezas.
Admission to all events is free (except for the play "Apology of Socrates" on 19 August at the Ancient Theatre Aigeira).
More information and details will be posted daily on the website DI.K.EP.A. www.dikepaigialeias.gr and on Facebook, on Twitter and Google+ the DI.K.EP.A. and the facebook page of oinoxenia. Tel. 26910-68308 and 26910-28210 communication, days and office hours.