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Would you like to combine skiing in the morning and then go swimming in the afternoon, all in one region? Click to choose your interests and see in which part of Greece you enjoy them. Combinations are endless!
It is characterized as a place with fairies since it has excess of beauty and has been linked with many stories from mythology. At the top of Mount Parnassos stranded after the flood the ark of Deucalion, son of Prometheus, and Pyrrha, from whom came the ancestor of the Ellines (Greeks), Ellinas. On the southwestern side lies the famous oracle...
Mount Tymfristos or Velouchi, located between Evrytania and Phthiotis prefectures, belongs to the Pindus mountain range and is connected to Agrafa. From its peak you can see the mountains of central Greece, with Vardousia and Kaliakouda to the south and Panetoliko and Chelidona to the southwest. About 50% of Evrytania is dominated by forests- a...
Το όρος Όθρυ βρίσκεται ανατολικά του Ν. Μαγνησίας και συνορεύει με τον Ν. Φθιώτιδας. Έχει υψόμετρο 1726μ. Είναι το βουνό των Τιτάνων μιας και σύμφωνα με την μυθολογία είχαν οχυρωθεί εκεί όταν...
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