As an alternative to the combination Kourtaliotis Gorge - Preveli Lake, you can choose the Monastery of Preveli - Preveli Lake. In both cases, you will end up in the same wonderful beach.
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Would you like to combine skiing in the morning and then go swimming in the afternoon, all in one region? Click to choose your interests and see in which part of Greece you enjoy them. Combinations are endless!
As an alternative to the combination Kourtaliotis Gorge - Preveli Lake, you can choose the Monastery of Preveli - Preveli Lake. In both cases, you will end up in the same wonderful beach.
Are you looking for a hidden paradise?
A wonderful gorge, one of the ‘must do’ of the district.
Definitely, the more offseason the better, Elafonisi is great all year round.
Chania is a very beautiful city and wandering around its alleys will be an unforgettable experience.
Boat trip up to Gramvousa, to explore the immense castle that towers over the sea and swim in the impressive beach of Balos!
It is one of the largest monasteries in Crete spread with a colossal fortune, located not far from Sitia, near the Vai palm grove. It is a historical place, since, during the War of Independence against the Turks, the monks were brutally murdered, and the monastery itself has been looted and destroyed many times. It is a property of 800m2,...
The fourth largest Minoan palace in Crete, is combined with hiking at the adjacent Dead's Gorge and the peaceful coastal settlement of Kato Zakros.
An island with a long history, where the memories are kept alive due to its castle.
Vai Palm grove... Being in eastern Crete without taking a dip in its most famous beach?
Spending a day on Chrissi Islet, which will charm you with its delicate tranquil beauty, is definitely one of the suggested destinations in the district.
Visit the Monastery on your way to the homonynus beach.
Wandering around the city of Rethymno, a picturesque port, Cretan cuisine, tsikoudia and unforgettable moments. Do not miss the Fortezza fortress!
An island made of lava and water, with outstanding beauty, unique atmosphere, and intense energy. It was created and destroyed many times until it acquired its final form, a form which has been much admired and loved. Everything was created in an artistic way - simple lines, sweet curves, pure white shapes with brushstrokes of vivid colors, a...
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